Preparing to Sell the Farm
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Today, Ben Forrest (Real Estate Agent and Partner at the Resolute Property Group) and I will be discussing the key things you need to know if you want to successfully sell a farm.

Most farmers and graziers are thinking about buying more land, not selling, but purchasing a new block sometimes requires the sale of some land to fund the new purchase. There are also those nearing retirement that will be either downsizing to a smaller block or selling up entirely and moving into town.

Selling any major asset is a complex and stressful process, so the best results are almost always achieved when you prepare well. The problem is that most of us haven’t got years of experience selling properties, so we will inevitably make some mistakes, unless we find the right people to help us navigate the complexities and avoid the traps that the inexperienced fall into.

As Benjamin Franklyn famously said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail,” and with the value of farms these days, the cost of getting it wrong could be significant.

You can find out more about Ben Forrest and the Resolute Property Group here:-

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Ben spent over 20 years working with successful business owners and farming families which allowed him to unearth the timeless principles on how to successfully grow, protect and maintain wealth.

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast is general in nature and for education purposes only. It is not financial advice. It is not legal advice. No one should act on the information without appropriate specific advice for your particular circumstances. Ben Law is a former financial advisor but is no longer licensed and cannot and will not give you specific or personal advice in this podcast. The Financial Bloke accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of reliance on the information in this podcast.