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I expect that the unexpected is not so really unexpected after all…

Now I know that is a bit of a mouthful however when you look at the last 12 months this couldn’t have been more true.

Traditionally, an Albino Meerkat born during a full moon in Morocco would cause every doomer and gloomer from New York to Yemen to yell from the roof tops that a major pandemic was about to sweep the world, markets would crash and the world would be EXPECTED to be come to an end.

So what about 2016/2017? Take a moment to think about what we saw go on in the previous 12 months or so:

  • Brexit vote
  • The US Election & Trumps winning
  • An increase in US interest rates
  • Terrorist attacks in Nice
  • A Coup in Turkey
  • The continuation of mass immigration in Europe
  • The Zika Virus spread across America
  • North Korea reckoned they tested a H-Bomb

Wow all right, these are all massive event (not quite as massive as the Albino Meerkat from Morocco) nevertheless, the world hasn’t come to an end nor have investment markets dropped lower than a snakes belly.

Have these events had an impact on investment markets, yep, for sure. They dipped, the rose, they fell and they pirouetted! Most importantly though in general they increased. Yep, they increased!

Now, this is not always the case but if in March 2016 I had told you the above would happen over the following 12 months, how would you have expected investment markets to fair over that time??

So what does this tell me?? Well, keep investing in quality, well diversified investments, stick to the strategy, ignore the “noise” and more importantly, get on with enjoying your life.

Remember that time is out most valuable asset, so get quality advice and don’t squander it researching or worrying about the arrival of the next Albino Meerkat.
