An Introductory Video Snippet:
The Full Episode Audio:
Show Notes:
In this episode of Wealth & Wisdom, your host Ben takes us with him on the journey from his trial retirement to discovering his life's new purpose. After receiving a rather stern ultimatum from his wife (which involved the threat of a "grisly death" if he stayed home and under her feet), Ben embarked on a quest to find a new challenge. That quest led him to the creation of this very podcast.

Ben's newfound mission became to explore and share the fundamental factors of success for driven and motivated producers. Through conversations with successful producers and some deep soul-searching, he uncovered three common challenges faced by prosperous families:

1. Maximizing Professional Advisor Impact:

Ben discusses how to find and work effectively with financial advisors, bankers, brokers, lawyers, and accountants, ensuring that they collaborate seamlessly for the family's benefit.

2. Family Strategic Planning & Alignment:

Achieving family focus and alignment becomes a crucial aspect of sustaining prosperity, and Ben delves into strategies to achieve this alignment.

3. Preparing the “Heirs”:

Beyond operational handovers, Ben explores the intricate process of preparing the next generation to take over the family business (or resulting wealth) successfully.

To help unravel these complex topics, Ben enlists the expertise of his co-host, Chloe, a seasoned professional with extensive experience working with family businesses. Chloe aptly dubs their approach as "kind of like a family office," but with a unique twist.

Ben and Chloe offer their insights and perspectives on these three critical areas, shedding light on the path to success for families, both now and across generations.


Ben spent over 20 years working with successful business owners and farming families which allowed him to unearth the timeless principles on how to successfully grow, protect and maintain wealth.

If you want to learn the principles of how to grow your family’s wealth throughout the generations, then you might consider joining The Financial Bloke each fortnight for more Wealth & Wisdom.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast is general in nature and for education purposes only. It is not financial advice. It is not legal advice. No one should act on the information without appropriate specific advice for your particular circumstances. Ben Law is a former financial advisor but is no longer licensed and cannot and will not give you specific or personal advice in this podcast. The Financial Bloke Group Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of reliance on the information in this podcast.