Do you think my daughter will thank me if I teach her how to turn $5,000 into $150,000?

Investing in your children, or grandchildren’s, future. With the arrival of our daughter Sophie in June 2016, like all new dads, I suddenly had a whole new set of

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Five Small Ways To Help You Financially Endure And Recover From The Drought

I totally understand that when you are in the midst of a full-blown drought, just focusing on surviving day to day, is all most people can realistically handle.

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What Wile E. Coyote Taught Me About Being Financially Successful.

I was watching cartoons on the weekend with my little girl Sophie and I was thinking about all my favourite cartoons when I was a kid. One of

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Bitcoin – Speculative Investing vs Quality Investing

It was the late 1990’s, I was 22 and fresh out of university and I got caught up in the hype of the “Tech Boom”. I made a

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Why I Reckon Your Bank Is Like A Chainsaw!

Huh? How the hell is a bank like a chainsaw you might well ask? Well check out why in my latest video. play ​Have a great month, Cheers,​

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5 Reasons Every Farmer Needs to Know About Financial Freedom

Most farmers have either never heard of Financial Freedom, or think that it just doesn’t relate to them. If I asked my Dad, who by the way is

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A Bloody Good Way To Get A Million Dollars

I know it is a slight exaggeration but I have heard almost a million times in some form or another,“Ben, you’re in the know, can you tell me

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6 Reasons Farmers Make Good Investors

While I was at the Ekka this week helping my Dad out with his cattle, it got me thinking about how two completely different fields can have such

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The 8 Most Common Comments

Over the almost 20 years I have been a Financial Planner, I have heard the following 8 comments (in varying shapes and forms) from almost every family I

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I expect that the unexpected is not so really unexpected after all…Now I know that is a bit of a mouthful however when you look at the last

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