Wow… We Won A National Award!

​2016 Value of Advice Awards​Here’s a story for you. It is a little long but bear with me if you will.Just before Christmas, I attended one of those

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Handing The Farm On Successfully

I read recently that Paul Shervish of Boston College estimated between 1998 & 2052, $28-$118 trillion in wealth will be transferred to the next generation in the US.

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Do you want to be average or below?

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim RohnThis is one of my favourite quotes and it is something all

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Saving For Your Kids Future

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it….He who doesn’t… pays it” – Albert Einstein My daughter Sophie, was born in

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The Best Financial Lesson I Learned

“Investing is simple, it just isn’t easy.” – Warren Buffett I’d like to tell you a quick story.  Back in 1999 there was a 23 year old fellow,

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The Knowing-Doing Gap

I regularly meet people that clearly know there are key areas in their financial situation that desperately need attention.  They also know that to achieve the level of

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