#33: The 5 Stages Of The Rural Succession Lifecycle with Ben Law – The Financial Bloke

The Full Episode Audio: Show Notes: This episode is a new concept I am trying which is a short, bite-sized 10 minute episode with

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#32: Talking Succession Part 2 – The Handing On Generation (AKA The Oldies) with John Moor, Succession Planning Facilitator

The Full Episode Audio:Show Notes:John Moor is back by popular demand. John is a highly experienced Succession Planning Facilitator and his episode #24 was one

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QCL Column – Be Alert But Not Alarmed

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life. Many years ago, someone asked me, “Why do your clients seem to trust you so much, Ben?” Strangely enough I’d

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#31: Talking Succession Part 1 – The Next Generation (AKA The Young’ens) with John Moor, Succession Planning Facilitator

The Full Episode Audio:Show Notes:John Moor is back by popular demand. John is a highly experienced Succession Planning Facilitator and his episode #24 was one

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#30: Will Carbon Credits Impact The Value Of Your Farm? With Lachlan Dunsdon, Certified Practicing Valuer

An Introductory Video Snippet: The Full Episode Audio: Show Notes: Our guest today is Lachlan Dunsdon, Certified Property Valuer and National Director Rural &

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#29: The 7 Steps to Successful Off-Farm Investing with Ben Law, The Financial Bloke

The Full Episode Audio:Show Notes:The tables have been turned and, in this episode, The Financial Bloke is the guest being interviewed!Host of the successful Farms

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QCL Column – Trust: The Only Currency of Any Value

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life. Many years ago, someone asked me, “Why do your clients seem to trust you so much, Ben?” Strangely enough I’d

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#28: THE DRIPPING TAP – Achieving The Impossible By Convincing McDonalds To Use Aussie Beef In Their All American Beef Burgers with Richard Rains – Mentor & Retired Meat Exporter

An Introductory Video Snippet: The Full Episode Audio: Show Notes: Success leaves clues and if you’re the type of person who wants to learn

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#27: Death Taxes – Is The Tax Man Coming For Your Farm with Tax Law Specialist Tim Rivett

An Introductory Video Snippet: The Full Episode Audio: Show Notes: We’ve all frequently heard naive politicians suggesting we “tax the rich” - which on

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QCL Column – Your Choice Of Spouse Will Either Make You or Break You

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life.Throughout history, parents placed great importance on who their children married. They sensed that choosing the right partner in life was

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