#18: How Some Queensland Rural Producers Saved a Collective $3m in Interest & Professional Advice Fees with Daniel Elder from QRIDA

The Full Episode Audio: Subscribe and listen to the podcast on your favourite app: Show Notes: ​Today our guest Daniel Elder will be discussing

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#17: Avoid One Common Way Families Lose Their Farm with Kylie Wilson Partner at Holding Redlich

An Introductory Video Snippet: The Full Episode Audio: Subscribe and listen to the podcast on your favourite app: Show Notes: Our guest today is

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#16: Don’t Let Divorce Totally Destroy Your Wealth with Family Lawyer Murray Crawford

An Introductory Video Snippet (< 1 min): The Full Episode Audio: Subscribe and listen to the podcast on your favourite app: Show Notes: ​No

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Has It Been Raining Cheap Money On Fools For Too Long?

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life.Elon Musk’s controversial Tweet caught my attention last week, “It has been raining money on fools for too long,” and “There’s

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#15: Carbon Credits: The Results Are In with Dr Terry McCosker

An Introductory Video Snippet (< 1 min): The Full Episode Audio: Subscribe and listen to the podcast on your favourite app: Show Notes: Today’s

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#14: Preparing to Sell the Farm with Real Estate Agent Ben Forrest

An Introductory Video Snippet (< 1 min): The Full Episode Audio: Subscribe and listen to the podcast on your favourite app: Show Notes: Today,

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The Financial Bloke Appears On Triple M Breakfast Radio – 1st Home Buyers Accessing Their Super For A House Deposit.

Last week The Financial Bloke had a crack at being a guest on @triplemcairns breakie radio with Tammy & Bodge . We discussed the pros and cons of

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#13: Create A Mastermind Group & Accelerate Your Success with John Moor founder of GrowMoor Biological

An Introductory Video Snippet (< 1 min): The Full Episode Audio: Subscribe and listen to the podcast on your favourite app: Show Notes: What

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Raising Smart Not Spoiled Kids

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life.Kids are growing up in an increasingly abundant world packed with more opportunity than any previous generation has seen before. Arguably

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#12: What I’ve Learned Interviewing Some of Ag’s Best with Host of the Farms Advice Podcast Jack Cresswell

An Introductory Video Snippet (< 1 min): The Full Episode Audio: Subscribe and listen to the podcast on your favourite app: Show Notes: Jack

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