Embrace The Journey: Investing Skills Are Learned and Earned

When you think of a successful investor, you might picture wealthy individuals born into a world of shares and bonds, with a natural born knack for predicting market

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Breaking the Curse: How Regular Family Meetings Enable Multi-Generational Success

Over the past 20 years, I've been fortunate to closely work with highly successful farming families, some spanning 4 or 5 generations on their farms. These families are

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QCL Column – Cracking the Financial Success Code

Have you ever wondered what it takes to transform your agribusiness into a financially prosperous powerhouse? I have studied this question for decades. It's natural to assume that

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QCL Column – Think and Grow Rich

​People often ask me which books have had a profound impact on my life, and without a doubt, one of my top recommendations is Napoleon Hill's timeless masterpiece

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QCL Column – Sowing The Seeds of Success & Happiness

​It's natural for us to think that success & happiness are a result of external factors such as wealth, success, and material possessions. However, the fact is that

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QCL Column – The Investor’s Kryptonite: Fear & Greed

Warren Buffet, one of the greatest investors of all time, famously said "Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful." This timeless wisdom reminds

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QCL Column – A Million Dollar Investment Strategy

If you want to become a successful investor you need to learn the key strategies for generating long term sustainable success. Warren Buffet famously said, “Investing is simple

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QCL Column – 2023 – The Year of Fun First!

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life. The first New Year’s resolutions are thought to date back over 4,000 years ago to ancient Babylon. During the Akitu

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QCL Column – Be Alert But Not Alarmed

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life. Many years ago, someone asked me, “Why do your clients seem to trust you so much, Ben?” Strangely enough I’d

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QCL Column – Trust: The Only Currency of Any Value

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life. Many years ago, someone asked me, “Why do your clients seem to trust you so much, Ben?” Strangely enough I’d

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