QCL Column – Your Choice Of Spouse Will Either Make You or Break You

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life.Throughout history, parents placed great importance on who their children married. They sensed that choosing the right partner in life was

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QCL Column – Agriculture: The Hero or The Villain

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life.Like many of you, I grew up when Australian agriculture was seen as the “hero”. Hard working families doing risky, backbreaking,

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QCL Column – How Shares Are Just Like Cows!

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life.Most parents I speak to want their kids to learn about money and investing. The sad fact is that no one

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Has It Been Raining Cheap Money On Fools For Too Long?

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life.Elon Musk’s controversial Tweet caught my attention last week, “It has been raining money on fools for too long,” and “There’s

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Raising Smart Not Spoiled Kids

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life.Kids are growing up in an increasingly abundant world packed with more opportunity than any previous generation has seen before. Arguably

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QCL Column – Accelerate Growing Your Wealth Using a Finance or Mortgage Broker

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life. If you’re serious about growing your family’s wealth, you need think & act like someone who is serious about growing

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QCL Column – The Brand Spanking New Retiree Trap

My latest column in The Queensland Country Life. David and Lucy were 66 and nearing retirement. They were frugal by nature and had busted their guts their whole

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4 Ways A Bloody Good Adviser Could Help You!

The value of your farm has skyrocketed meaning your equity position is looking much stronger and because interest rates are at all-time lows, your bank is getting a

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Will your future self hug you or punch you in the face?

For almost 15 years, a group of my mates have gotten together for what we affectionately call the “annual boys’ lunch”. Every year has been pretty much the

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Inflation. The Silent Assassin of a Secure Retirement

Inflation. The Silent Assassin Of A Secure RetirementIf you want a financially secure retirement, never underestimate the risk posed by increasing inflation rates.Why is that you ask? Well,

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