“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone” – Pablo Picasso

This month I thought I would share a difficult story with you. Some time ago I received a call from one of my favorite long-term clients (John &

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The Best Super Fund

Looking at it practically, it is easy to construct a solid argument that the Aged Pension safety net will not be around forever. Letting our kids think they

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Investing Off-Farm: Complexity is the Enemy

Sir Richard Branson once famously said, "Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make it complicated..."I believe this is especially true when it comes to off-farm investing. Many

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The Knowing-Doing Gap

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.” – Vince

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The One Mistake To Avoid If You Want Your Kids To Be Financially Successful

As a parent, one of the greatest priorities in our life is ensuring our children and grandchildren are happy and successful. We teach them to be good kids

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Aged Care: Bloody Expensive & Confusing – 7 Tips to Navigate The Aged Care Jungle

At some point, many of us will need to get involved with moving a loved one into Aged Care - a milestone that can be extremely stressful for

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5 Ways To Help You Survive Your Annual Bank Review

It’s that time of year again, the festive season is over and we’re back to reality. In fact, many of you are probably awaiting that dreaded phone call

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Debt, Death & Insurance… The Ultimate Conversation Killers

Buying a new farm is one of life’s most exciting milestones - falling in love with your ideal place, visiting for the first time once it’s yours, dreaming

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You Sold The Farm. What Next?

Congratulations. You are in the process of selling, or have recently sold the farm. My experience suggests that, whilst emotions are mixed, you are looking forward to relaxing

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This Christmas, Plan Ahead with the Rocking Chair Test

I love Christmas and I have ever since I was a kid growing up. It was that one time of the year when all the extended family came back

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