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“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

This is one of my favourite quotes and it is something all of us should take the time to think about.

I reckon you should ask yourself, “What if the success of your family is determined by the average of your five most important advisers?”

The five might fall into any of the following categories:


  • Financial Planner
  • Accountant
  • Bank Manager/Lending Specialist
  • Independent Director
  • Mentor
  • Succession Planner
  • Business Partner
  • A Family Member

I know that my success has been inexplicably linked to surrounding myself with a ‘Network of Experts’ who are exceptional in their respective fields and who just as importantly share my passion and values.I also know that this is what will allow you to build a successful farming business and ultimately give you the means to build your wealth, make better choices in life and achieve the level of financial security others can only dream about.

Think, just for a minute, what would be the cost to your profit, your lifestyle, your family or even your reputation, if you compromised and surrounded yourself with less than exceptional people?

Now, I recommend you take a look at your 5 most important advisers, think about their ‘average’ and work out:

  • Are they all exceptional in their chosen profession and do they share your passion and values?
  • Either way, what effect is this having on your business, lifestyle and family?
  • What are you going to do to ‘increase your adviser average’?
