Show Notes:
Aged care is dauntingly complex and stressful for the family and full of traps for the inexperienced. It can be extremely expensive and contribute to a major loss of family wealth but in many cases with good advice and planning it doesn’t have to.
You may be thinking, I don’t need to worry about listening to anything about Aged Care as I’m not going into care anytime soon! Well, think again. You might not be but there's a good chance you'll need to help your parents out with entering care and it often comes sooner than expected.
Getting aged care right can be crucial to protecting your family’s intergenerational wealth and it is important to know that sometimes you need to prepare years in advance to get the best outcome.
In this episode, Ben and Bruce Baynes will discuss how important planning aged care in advance is for both ensuring family members are well cared for and family wealth is protected.
Bruce is the managing director of Sage Care Advice, a financial planning firm specialising in Aged Care Advice. He has over 20 years’ experience as a financial adviser and made the leap to specialising solely in Aged Care when he personally had to navigate the stressful and complex process of getting his father into aged care. Bruce is a wealth of knowledge, a great communicator and a bloody good bloke.
You can get hold of Bruce if you go to
Ben spent over 20 years working with successful business owners and farming families which allowed him to unearth the timeless principles on how to successfully grow, protect and maintain wealth.
If you want to learn the principles of how to grow your family’s wealth throughout the generations, then you might consider joining The Financial Bloke each fortnight for more Wealth & Wisdom.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast is general in nature and for education purposes only. It is not financial advice. It is not legal advice. No one should act on the information without appropriate specific advice for your particular circumstances. Ben Law is a former financial advisor but is no longer licensed and cannot and will not give you specific or personal advice in this podcast. The Financial Bloke accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of reliance on the information in this podcast.