An Introductory Video Snippet:

The Full Episode Audio:

Show Notes:
Today we are going to be discussing some of the problems with corporate investment into Australian Agriculture with our guest, Matt Barton.

Matt is a fifth-generation farmer from central NSW but he is also a teacher, adviser and facilitator with RCS Australia. RCS is an integrated training, education & professional advice business that focuses solely on helping agricultural producers to best manage people, land and agricultural production systems.

Matt went to boarding school in Sydney then studied accounting and finance at University. On completion of his studies, he worked in the financial markets in Sydney in the 1980’s before holding a role as the Corporate Treasurer for a mid-tier mining company.

He made the choice to return to agriculture and come back to the family farming operation in Central NSW in the mid 1990’s and in 2007 he joined RCS.

Matt’s time in Sydney provided extensive experience in the corporate and investment sectors giving him the ability to engage, advise and comment at both the producer level and the investor/corporate level, and he has some valuable insights to share with us today.


Ben spent over 20 years working with successful business owners and farming families which allowed him to unearth the timeless principles on how to successfully grow, protect and maintain wealth.

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this podcast is general in nature and for education purposes only. It is not financial advice. It is not legal advice. No one should act on the information without appropriate specific advice for your particular circumstances. Ben Law is a former financial advisor but is no longer licensed and cannot and will not give you specific or personal advice in this podcast. The Financial Bloke Group Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of reliance on the information in this podcast.